
02 April 2009

Gerald Locklin, PhD: Professor, Poet, Friend

Gerry taught literature and writing at Cal State Long Beach for over forty years and authored scores of books of his poetry and fiction. He was a friend to Charles Bukowski and is a scholar of his works. I believe he published some of his research on the works of Jessamyn West. I was a student of his in several classes. In our first encounter, upon seeing him enter the room and walk to the dais, I wondered why this very casually dressed student was going to address the class. He had worn-thin old docker-type pants and sneakers, his shirt was not tucked in, he had a beard and very short hair. I remember thinking that perhaps he was a teaching assistant about to tell us that Dr. Locklin could not make it to this very first session because he had been called away to something important. Instead, he announced in a deep but soft monotone that he was Gerry Locklin. He indicated that he preferred just "Gerry" to "Dr. Locklin". I learned later that he was one of those brilliant people who learn, master, and retain what they are interested in quickly. I think he got his PhD when he was 21 or something.

My college experience took a sudden and wonderful turn when I became his student and friend. He changed the way I looked at writing and literature. He taught me to be direct in my discourse and avoid circumlocution and unnecessary detail and to write much as I speak. I observed the way he evaluated writing and I came to understand the value he saw in good, direct exposition and the disdain he had for superficiality and pretension, no matter the fame or anonymity of the author. He would take a student paper, read it aloud and point out how this person's narrative was similar to Hemingway's or Steinbeck's. He saw common threads where I would have never considered the possibility. He was and, I'm sure, remains encyclopedic in his knowledge of all things literary. He was one of the most interesting and knowledgeable characters in my brief academic career. I have thought of him often over the years, though regrettably, I made little effort to reconnect with him. My life turned away from academia to the corporate world, and I lost touch with him completely. Well, there was a family to raise, a career at which to succeed, and Vietnam to intercede. There were relocations to Chicago, Portland, and the San Francisco Bay area. There was also frequent travel.

Long Beach State, as we called it then, was mostly a commuter school. Many of us used the southern California freeway system for long drives to and from the campus, and if there was such a thing, extracurricular campus life and I had only a distant acquaintance. It was the largest of the state colleges in California with about 30,000 plus students. I think it cost me about $240 total for four semesters of registration fees and a few hundred more for books. It was 1965-67 in sunny, conservative Long Beach, California where war protesting was polite and few people attended what few events there were. Those who participated were less passionate and disruptive and never in the media, as were our Berkeley brethren.

Across the street from the campus was the 49er Saloon, which was Gerry's second office and my favorite lunch spot. He and I would have our literary discussions in there while maintaining adequate nutritional intake with Polish sausages, pickled eggs, potato chips and cold, amber-colored beverages poured from frosty pitchers. Well, I do recall a word or two of something literary once or twice. The 49er was small and always crowded. There was a pool table squeezed into the middle of the small room with benches along the length of it. As three or four patrons would sit there conversing and enjoying lunch, they would shift and lean automatically, it seems, to accomodate the pool players who needed the space for a shot. No one needed to say "Excuse me", we all understood the need and shifted as necessary while pool sticks moved close to our ears. "Wow, nice bank shot, Man." Somehow it all worked.

I don't recall missing any of Gerry's lectures. He created a relaxed atmosphere, enjoyed a joke and a smile, but covered all his material thoroughly. His delivery seemed spontaneous and very much at ease, he used no notes that I can remember and he changed course with ease when a student brought up a thought that Gerry liked and wanted to explore. In my case, as he concluded each session, I looked forward to the next.

Gerry is a poet, a well-known one. He has achieved respect and fame for his writing and teaching. I caught him very early in his long career and shared wonderful times with him in and out of class. I think I write as I do today in part because of him. When I think of accomplished authors, my mind includes him, as it does when I think of great teachers. I'm going to make the effort to connect with him again.

Sad Update

On 17 January 2021, one month before his 80th birthday, Gerry Locklin died as the result of complications from Coronavirus. I regret that I failed to reconnect with him.