A few nights ago (remember I never promised you precision), on the evening before our departure from Porto, we decided to have a farewell dinner at
Sim Ou Sopas with our gracious host, Solanja Ribeiro and the lovely sous chef-hostess-friend Diana. I introduced you to them in an earlier post. There we met two new group members from the U.S.: Melissa from Hawaii and Madina from Seattle, both of whom will move or have moved to Portugal and both of whom are in the textile/fashion industry. They had not previously met. I believe Solanja has a way of bringing compatible strangers together. Joining us was Goncalvo, world-wide traveller, high-tech guru, and genuine Portuguese whom we encountered at the previous
Sim Ou Sopas celebration.
The food goddesses started us out with Sopa de Legumes, a pureed vegetable soup thickened with potatoes, I believe. I think some wine was presented--seems likely as I consider it. We moved on to an assortment of what I'll call frittata or maybe quiche, perhaps pie is more accurate. I'm not sure about the nomenclature but I am certain about the incredible quality of the food and the pleasure it brought us:
- Tarte de Abobora e Requerjao Pumpkin and cheese pie
- Tarte de Espinafres Spinach, bacon, and cheese pie
- Tarte de Frango e Terjao Verde Chicken and green beans pie
These are all cut into serving size portions on a platter with some colorful garnish.Then, the main course. Oh, and there might have been some more wine poured along the way.
- Bochechas de Vitela de Comer a Colher Stewed veal cheeks
- Batatas Assadas Oven-baked potatoes
- Arroz Arabe Arabic rice
Veal cheeks at Sim Ou Sopas |
Oh, my! Our first experience with this. The flavor, texture, aroma, succulence--all so memorable. Clearly, Solanja and Diana retain the abundant heart love that made each experience here so important to us.
Did Diana refill our wine glasses again at this point? Not sure. I'll leave the conjecture to you.
We finished the evening with good-byes, until we meet agains, embraces, smiles, laughter. Sim Ou Sopas is one of our most important experiences in Portugal. I'm not sure that Solanja is open for walk-ins. I recommend calling her; she speaks English, probably French and Spanish as well. Here is her number in Porto: +351 909 997. If you are strolling around the Foz area of Porto, you can find her at Rua Candada Sa de Albergana 226.